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慢煮西班牙黑毛豬架配芥末蜜糖汁 Slow cook Iberico pork rack with honey mustard sauce


西班牙黑毛豬價格上升不少,除了一向受歡迎的Iberian ham外,豬的其他部位也愈來愈多人進食及留意,如豬架,肋骨及梅頭。肉質有彈性,充滿果油香是牠的賣點。以西班牙法定區生長的伊比利亞豬"Iberico pork"是西班牙黑豬中的極品。受國家監控。以自由,不受壓力地生長。多運動量,脂肪滲入肌肉中,形成大理石紋理。使肉質油潤有彈性。以多吃橡果的豬種為例,油脂中含有大量的單元不包和脂肪酸。

豬隻等級分為最少50%伊比利亞豬血统,75%及100%純種。純種"Bellota", 豬隻吃天然穀飼再育肥不少於60天(7成),以橡果為主要食材。次級是"Cebo De Campo"吃天然飼料及最少60天育肥。之後是Cebo,放養時間短,只吃穀飼。詳細,網上有很多資料。購買時,多留意包裝袋上是否寫明Iberico及同時留意等级。



西班牙黑毛豬架 5支骨
洋蔥連皮 1個
蒜連皮 2整個
粟米仔,薯仔 適量
鹽,黑椒,oregano,  parsley,  sweet paprika

法式芥末 1.5湯匙
蘋果蜜或其他 2-3湯匙
White wine vinegar 1茶匙

1. 豬架洗淨印乾,把適量鹽,香草,paprika, 即磨黑椒混合,均勻印上豬架。
2. 燒熱煎pan,落油,放入豬架,煎香各面。
3. 預熱焗爐90度,放上架,下面加入薯仔,蒜頭,洋蔥。
4. 插上肉針至肉中心,set medium well, 90度焗3小時。之後調高230度焗20分鐘至半小時令表面金黄。
5. 留意肉針,當温度顯示肉中心達73度便取出(仍有餘溫,豬最後有9成熟)。
6. 用鍚紙包封豬架,静止最少15分鐘。
7. 同時取出蔬菜,把洋蔥切四份,薯仔切厚片跟粟米仔放上鐵pan煎至焦香。一半蒜頭去皮放上碟,另外用4粒蒜壓蓉。
8. 準備芥末蜜糖汁:從焗盆收集豬架滴出之肉汁及錫紙包封內流出肉汁放入小pan中。小火煮滾,加入蒜泥,芥末及white wine vinegar,少許鹽。之後逐少加入蜜糖,試味後再調節味道。

9. 豬架跟骨切件放上蔬菜,淋上汁及黑椒碎,趁熱吃呀!

2. 個別温度計不一樣,跟本身設計焗至8成熟。

Ingredients :
A 5- bone Iberico pork rack
1 onion with skin
2 whole garlic with skin
Potatoes,  baby corn
Salt, black pepper,  dried oregano,   sweet paprika

Honey mustard sauce:
1.5 tbsp Dijon mustard
2-3 tbsp Apple honey or others
salt,  black pepper
1 tsp white wine vinegar

1. Wash and dry the pork rack.
2. Mix herbs, salt,  black pepper and paprika. Pat it on the pork rack.
3. Sear each side of  the pork over medium heat until browned.
4. Preheat oven to 90 degrees Celsius, bring the pork on the oven rack. Put garlic, onion and potatoes under.
5. Insert a meat thermometer to the center of the meat, and set to medium well. Bake 3 hours. Adjust to 230 degrees Celsius,  continue baking for 1/2 hour.
6. Keep an eye on the thermometer. Remove the pork from the oven once the inner temperature of the meat reaches to 73 degrees Celsius (medium well).
7. Put the pork rack on a pc of Aluminum foil and wrap. Allow to rest for at least 15 mins.
8. At the same time, take out the baked vegetables. Cut the onion into 4, thickly slice the potatoes. Then, pan fry them with the baby corn until golden brown. Peel off the garlic, mince 4 cloves, and put the remaining on plates.
9. For making the sauce. Collect the juice from the oven rack and from the aluminium foil package. Pour the juice and minced garlic in a saucepan and simmer. Add mustard, a bit salt and white wine vinegar. Then, add the honey gradually and taste. Adjust to desired flavour.
10. Slice the pork rack into chops. Place it on vegetables. Season with fresh ground black peppercorns. Serve hot with sauce.

1. Using meat thermometer will ensure 80 to 90% accuracy of the temperature of the meat.  If there is temperature and alarm setting of the gadget, set to medium well. Do not set to well done since both sides of the meat will be overcooked at last.
2. Please refer intruction of an individual meat thermometer. 


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